Teach adults to swim

Become a certified swimming instructor

The premier online teacher certification course can help you teach adults to swim with ease and confidence. You'll learn the proper techniques, create a safe learning environment, and gain insights into motivating adult learners. Upon completion, you'll be a certified swimming instructor ready to teach in any setting.
Learn a proven framework to successfully teach adults to swim.
Understand the psychology needed to best support adult learners.
Gain what you need to start teaching adults immediately.

50% of adults don’t know how to swim. It’s time we change that.

Adults and kids do not learn the same. We can’t use curriculum for kids to teach adults and expect them to pick up swimming with confidence. It just doesn’t happen that way.

Adults have unique questions, concerns, experiences, and maybe even fears about the water!! That means adult swim classes need to be approached in an entirely different way.
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We’ll teach you to become a strong swim teacher for adults.

The Program

This program goes far beyond telling students
how to move their arms and legs.

Part 1
Weeks 1-3

Foundational Theory for Teaching Adults Physical Skills

Understanding the Adult Learner: Brain Science, and Re-learning to Swim
Being a Coach: Running a Safe Learning Environment and Managing your Own Self-trust
Foundational Teaching Models: Understanding Change and the Mind-body Connection
Part 2
Weeks 4-10

Foundations for Change: Learn to Swim in 6-Session Course

Every session focuses on a physical and mental component for student learning
Foundations I: Signature Floating and Identifying Limiting Beliefs
Foundations II: Standing to Deep Water and Mind-Body Connection
Foundations III: Applying Mind-Body Connection to Swimming
Foundations IV: Back Floating in Deep Water to Rolling
Foundations V: Deep Water to Advanced Breathing + Being Limitless
Foundations VI: Jumping to Swimming Without Walls
Part 3
Weeks 11-12

Putting it
All Together

Getting Started with Your Students: Private and Group Courses - The Why and How for Each
Common Errors New Teachers Face and How to Avoid Them
Final Test and Launching into Your Next Step

Bonus Lessons

Bonus Course

DEI In Swimming

History, Healing, and Expansive Ways of Moving Forward
Bonus Course

Trauma-Informed Teaching

What is Trauma and How it can Present Itself in Swim Courses
Opportunities for Healing Without Being a Therapist
Becoming a Trauma-Informed Coach in the Water
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Your path to becoming a Certified Adult Swim Instructor.

Apply now to join our next cohort. Or, click here to join our waitlist and get notified when our next cohort launches!


Spend 12 weeks learning from our team of certified adult swim instructors, with guided lessons and personal video feedback in and outside the pool!


Start teaching adults to swim, knowing you have the tools to help them stay safe and confident in the water!


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! This training gives you all the steps you need to be a highly qualified swim teacher for adults. You need to know how to swim, be able to get a Lifeguard certificate, have the desire to help others, and come with an openness to learn something new.

You should expect to learn the psychology behind the emotions of fear, panic, curiosity, and excitement and how to harness each of these emotions to help adults learn. This will be applied to the detailed steps of swimming. You’ll learn our proven system of guiding students to swim successfully.

Our 12-week course is released weekly and includes virtual lessons alongside in-the-water homework. Some lessons will require you to video yourself teaching so that we can provide you with tangible feedback.

Absolutely! Click here to join our email list for a free mini course and to be notified when our cohorts are announced. Be sure to add us to your safe senders list so these emails don’t swim into your spam folder!

You need to be able to swim. This means you can move from one point to another with comfort and ease while getting air and rest – regardless of where the side, bottom, or shore is located. You are able to return to calm when something unexpected happens. Finally, you need to be able to get a Lifeguarding certificate. 

We hold Instructor Training twice each year, in spring and fall. To get notified when the next cohort opens for applications, click here!

This is the exciting part! After you complete the Instructor Training, you can open your own adult swim practice or work for a public pool.

Yes! We love keeping our students up-to-date. Each Spring and Fall, we hold meetings for all certified instructors to offer continuing education, present case study reviews, and answer your questions about teaching or running your business! Additionally, you can participate in advanced additional business training if you choose to open your own practice.

Become a calm, confident adult swim instructor.

Swimming Teacher Certification