Start learning today

Swim courses made with you in mind.

There are limited resources for learning to swim as an adult. It can be overwhelming to even know where to begin as you seek more confidence and joy in the water. Our courses aren’t based on a kid's swimming curriculum - they’re tailor-made for the way that adults learn.

Whether you join the membership or choose one class, our resources will open up a world of opportunity in the water.
Mental Focus

Mental Focus

Every principle we teach is 2 parts mental, 1 part physical.
Tangible Resources

Tangible Resources

Our resources will equip you with the knowledge you need to thrive.
Real Results

Real Results

Our online swim students see the same success as in-person students.

Our Online Courses

Learn to swim anywhere, anytime.

Prep Courses

When you become a member, you’ll receive welcome messages and an “Everything you need to know” resource before you begin.

Online lessons

Learning to Swim 1A and 1B are virtual swim lessons that establish foundations of learning for your continued success in the water!

Zoom coaching

Need more detailed instruction? As a member, you have access to real-time Zoom coaching from one of our certified instructors.

A la carte courses.

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How to join

Simple steps to start.

Choose your path

Either get access to every course with our Jump-In Membership package, or choose a handful of specific courses that meet your particular needs!

Get access anytime

Virtual swim lessons mean you can learn when and where works best for you.

Learn to swim!

We can’t wait to show you how these virtual lessons will help you get in the water safely and confidently.

Get started with 5 tips for safety before you ever put on a swimsuit!

Swimming Online Course