If the idea of diving into deep waters makes you feel like you’re in over your head, you’re not alone. As an adult beginner swimmer, it’s completely normal to feel a little (or a lot) apprehensive. But fear not, my friend! With the right information, you’ll be able to swim confidently in deep waters. So, let’s splash into some essential safety tips that no one ever tells you so you too can jump in the fun.
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Tip #1 No Sneakers in the pool
You would never wear your sneakers into the pool. So when you are taking off those shoes you can also leave the, “Just do it” slogan behind as well.
This attitude works when you are expanding into new adventures within a context you already know how to keep yourself safe. Even something as big and wild as bungies jumping. If you “just do it” yes it could feel terrifying, but will be able to breathe and you already know how gravity works.
Learning to swim as an adult is stepping into a whole new world. The rules of air and gravity are not the same. Coming to calm or rather the exact opposite of “just do” it is essential to learning about this new world. From the time you dip your big toe into the water thought to the time you jump off the back of the boat in Hawaii coming to calm and tuning is essential to safety and ease.
Tip #2
Air always has to be easy.
Remember that bungie jump? Terrifying (or maybe thrilling) but you can still breathe. Yes there could be moments when you held your breath or started panic breathing but you still had 100% access to air the whole time.
There is nothing that (appropriately so) strikes the panic button faster than not being able to breathe. The most common mistake new adult swimmers make is overcomplicating breathing.
Now if this is you it’s not your fault. Most swim instruction for adults overcomplicates breathing. When you focus on all the ways it is easy to get air then you can come to calm. From this calm place, you can play with fancy ways to get air.
Coming to calm and tuning in is essential to learning to swim.
Tip #3
Focus on positive learning feelings like curiosity, fun, and testing ideas.
When air is always easy and you are not pushing your way to perfectionism but allowing for fun then learning happens. Organic learning is where you just know things. In the same way, you just know how to walk.
Coming to calm and tuning in is essential to having fun in water.
Tip #4
Claim your safety.
Where do you think safety comes from when someone is swimming? Most often new adult swimmers will say safety comes from the floor, ground, or side.
This is like saying safety in the car comes from the break peddle. But if your foot is on the gas and you are on your phone the break peddle is not going to keep you from crashing.
You are the one that keeps you safe. Yes, you may use the tool of the bottom or side. In the same way, you may use the break peddle of a car. But without your presence, calm, and connection to your foot, there is no safety.
Coming to calm and tuning in is essential to controlling your body.
Tip #5
Let yourself be a beginner.
Ask all your questions. Be an open book to your own new ideas. Test the ideas. Allow it to be messy. Learn like children learn big and messy and without care of getting it “right”. There is no test. There is no perfect way to be. There is just your body, the water, and understanding how they work together with joy and ease.
Coming to calm and tuning in is essential to joy and ease in the water.
Ready to find your calm and tune into your swimmer self? Jump into learning online to keep expanding without even having to get in a swimsuit (yet).